Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Reindeer Meat

There seems to have been a bit of a storm of controversy about Lidl's reindeer meat. Bit stupid really I think. Meat is often far worse treated in this country. I'm rather looking forward to trying it. I think I shall swing by Lidl to do my shop this week, and make some kind of stew with the meat.

Anyone cooked reindeer before? What works well?

In other news, it transpires that Kate and Wills are getting married. Apparently the last big royal wedding included a menu of fresh strawberries and cream, brill in lobster sauce, and supreme de voilaille Princess de Galles which is chicken breast stuffed with a fine lamb mousse (sounds delicious...ish). I wonder what a suitable wedding breakfast for royals will be this time. 

1 comment:

  1. From the Gruniad article: "while Gordon Ramsay recommends throwing in cloudberries, blueberries and a handful of snow". LOL.

    I could go for some Rudolph Stew. I bet it would match perfectly with Brewdog Tactical Nuclear Penguin.
